Theological Term of the Week
Wednesday, October 15, 2008 at 10:32PM
rebecca in theological terms
The unorthodox teaching that God is only one person who has revealed himself at different times in three different modes (or manifestations, forms, roles), rather than a Trinity consisting of three distinct persons who are coexistent. Sometimes called modalistic monarchism, Sabellianism and patripassionism are types of modalism.

Learn more:

  1. Modalism
  2. BELIEVE Religious Information Source: Monarchianism, Sabellianism, Patripassionism, Modalism
  3. What are Sabellianism, Modalism, and Monarchianism?
  4. Believer’s Web: Oneness Pentacostalism and the Trinity by Robert M. Bowman, Jr.
  5. Martin Downes: The Insufficient Explanatory Power of Modalism
  6. Department of Christian Defense: Examining the Oneness Objections to the Doctrine of the Trinity

Related terms:

Filed under Defective Theology

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Clicking on the Theological Term graphic at the top of this post will take you to a list of all the previous theological terms in alphabetical order.

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