This hymn by Fanny Crosby is a paraphrase of the Apostles’ Creed.
I believe in God the Father,
Who created Heav’n and earth;
Made the stars to shine so brightly,
Gave each living thing its birth.
I believe in God the Father,
And in Jesus Christ His Son,
Who was crucified on Calv’ry
For the sins that all have done.I believe He died, was buried,
Rose again, no more to die;
And ascending to His Father,
Took His seat with Him on high.
I believe in God the Spirit,
Sent to us from Heav’n above,
And the Church our blessèd Savior
Hath redeemed by His great love.I believe in His forgiveness,
And His wondrous power to save;
In a glorious resurrection,
And a life beyond the grave.
I believe in God the Father,
I believe in God the Son,
And in God the Holy Spirit,
Everlasting Three in One.
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