Theological Term of the Week
Tuesday, October 19, 2010 at 9:02PM

prevenient grace
The synergistic (or Arminian or Wesleyan) doctrine that there is a universal grace of God that counteracts the universal spiritual death that resulted from the fall, sufficiently restoring lost human freedom so that every person is able to choose to cooperate with saving grace; also called preventing grace.

Learn more:

  1. Ra McLaughlin: What is “prevenient grace”?
  2. R. C. Sproul: Does the Bible Teach Prevenient Grace?
  3. Thomas Schreiner: Does the Bible Teach Prevenient Grace in the Wesleyan Sense?
  4. Sam Storms: Arminians and Prevenient Grace
  5. C. Michael Patton: Why I Reject the Arminian Doctrine of Prevenient Grace
  6. Fred Butler: Examining the Arminian Doctrine of Prevenient Grace (mp3)

Related terms:

Do you have a a theological term you’d like to see featured here as a Theological Term of the Week? If you email it to me, I’ll seriously consider using it.

I’m also interested in any suggestions you have for tweaking my definitions or for additional (or better) articles or sermons/lectures for linking. I’ll give you credit and a link back to your blog if I use your suggestion.

Clicking on the Theological Term graphic at the top of this post will take you to a list of all the previous theological terms organized in alphabetical order or by topic.

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