Thankful Thursday
Thursday, July 8, 2010 at 3:15PM
rebecca in thanksgiving

I’m thankful for the greens and the radishes harvested from the garden. I’m thankful for the not-yet-ripe tomatoes on the tomato plants. Vegies from the garden are a blessing from our good God who sends the sun and rain so we can grow food.

I’m thankful that youngest son will be home tonight from his trip to  Vancouver to buy a suit. (I’m thankful that youngest daughter’s employer gives discount air travel tickets to family members of employees.) I’m really thankful that returning son will take over some of the responsibility for walking the dogs.

I’m thankful for a home that stays cool when it’s hot.

I’m thankful for the good news, aka the gospel.

On Thursdays throughout this year, I plan to post a few thoughts of thanksgiving along with Kim at the Upward Call and others. Why don’t you participate by posting your thanksgiving each week, too? It’ll be an encouragement to you and to others, I promise.

Article originally appeared on Rebecca Writes (
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