Sitting…on the couch in the living room with a blanket over my lap.
Eating…a bowl of the soup my oldest daughter made. She’s a wonderful cook and she makes most things without a recipe. This soup has various kinds of dried beans, sausage, tomatoes, zucchini, carrots and more that I don’t recognize. I have to eat only soft foods after my dental surgery yesterday—I had a bone graft in preparation for an implant—and I have something to eat with each of the prescription meds (painkiller, antibiotic, and a steriod) I take a various times throughout the day. All that to say I’m thankful for the soup. It fits the bill and tastes good.
Waiting…for spring. I must admit, however, that the weather we’ve had lately is winter at it’s very best.
Liking…that I looked good enough (no swelling) and felt good enough (no pain) to go to church this morning. And thankful for that, too.
Thinking…about the week ahead and the projects I want to work on. First on the list: I’m going to put a coat or three of rubbed polyurethane on the coffee table I painted last week. Then there’s spring cleaning. I just can’t bring myself to do a big weeklong, all day, every day cleaning like my own mother did. Nope, I’d rather break it up into smaller bits and do a couple tasks a week. (And yes, that does make things drag out forever. Oh well.) I also want to make a couple of pillow covers for the couch. Planned for the blog: a review of Eighteen Words by J. I. Packer.
Reading…not much lately. I think I have a minor case of reader’s block. Tomorrow I’m going to put “read something” on my daily to-do list to see if that works.
Anticipating…tomorrow, and eagerly. I shall be looking after the grandbaby for a while. She is, you know, the cutest baby in the whole wide world.
Heading…to bed soon. If I can make it up from the couch. My son wants me to go so he can finish watching this week’s episode of The Walking Dead. I am too delicate a flower for such things.
Wishing…you all a goodnight. And a good March.
Copying…Lisa again.