Theological Term of the Week
Tuesday, February 26, 2013 at 8:08PM
rebecca in theological terms

“The body of essential biblical teachings”;1 “whatever teachings …  are sufficiently faithful to Christian principles that Christians should accept as fellow Christians those who adhere to them.”2

  • From A Biblical Guide to Orthodoxy and Heresy by Robert Bowman:
  • How, then, should we define “orthodox”? We might define it as “whatever teachings and practices are sufficiently faithful to Christian principles that Christians should accept as fellow-Christians those who adhere to them.”

    To put it simply, whatever religious teachings and practices are not heretical are orthodox, and vice versa.

    Notice that we have not said that all members of churches which teach heresy are lost. This is no more true than saying that all who are members of churches which teach orthodoxy are saved. In saying that people are heretics, or that they are following heresy, we are not pronouncing judgment on their eternal souls. We are saying that if they follow those heresies consistently, they will certainly be lost. Conversely, in saying that someone is orthodox we are not saying that they are necessarily true Christians with the assurance of eternal life. We are saying that if they follow orthodox doctrine as the basis of their life (and thus trust in Christ alone for right standing before God) they will be saved.

Learn more:

  1. Christian Apologetics and Research Ministry: Orthodoxy
  2. Apologetics Index: Orthodoxy
  3. Robert M. Bowman: Defining Orthodoxy and Heresy
  4. Mark Dever: Discern Your Doctrine (audio)

Related term:

Filed under Isms

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