“Right now, there are people laboring for the Lord in difficult parts of the world, trying to advance the gospel. The outcome of their effort is connected to the work of prayer on their behalf … . ” —From Three ways to pray for missionaries at the Cripplegate.
Eric Raymond writes, “Why is it so hard [to love one another]? It is hard because sin complicates things. My sin makes me unloving and unlovely and others’ sin makes them unloving and unlovely.” He gives three questions for us to ask to help us find the motivation we need to love others:
Read the whole post for more (Ordinary Pastor).
David Murray tackles the question, “How can I explain the Trinity to a small child without moralistic illustrations or logical arguments that go over their head?” All good suggestions—and notice: no mention of an egg or a three leaf clover (Ligonier Ministries Blog).