Status Report: March
Tuesday, March 4, 2014 at 10:53PM
rebecca in real life is important, too

Sitting…on the couch in the living room.

Eating…a bowl of raisin bran as a bedtime snack.

Dreading…this weekend’s time change. I don’t need it. Nobody needs it. Why mess with our circadian rhythms for nothing? Want more daylight? Get up earlier.

And think about this: Now that they’ve extended daylight savings time from the beginning of March thru the beginning of November, we spend more time on fake time than real time. We’re all living lies for eight months of the year.

Finished…phase 2 of my bathroom painting painting project. I painted the green cupboard white. Three coats, inside and out, because green paint doesn’t like to be covered. Phase 1 was painting the walls white, and phase 3 will be painting the rest of the trim white. I’m going to have me an all-white bathroom. 

Missing…the grandchildren. Two have their far away grandma visiting this week, and the other’s been sick, so I’ve not had them here for their weekly grandma visits. I used the extra time for the painting project, so it all worked out, but still, I’ve missed them.

Pleased…with youngest granddaughter’s new home. They are moving this week to a better house (Remember all their furnace problems?), with a better yard (It has grass.), in a better location (not a slum), at a better price. My granddaughter runs through the house with her arms in the air shouting, “New home!”

Reading…the same books as last month. But I’ve made progress in each one, so that’s something.

Counting…the weeks until garage sales start, the leaves are on the trees, and the garden is planted.

Hoping…your March brings you spring and my March doesn’t bring me snow. (I’ll have to wait until April or May for spring, I’m afraid.)


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