… although it will probably be Friday when you read this.
I’m thankful the cut youngest son got at work today is no worse that it is. It required several stitches, but there was no nerve or tendon damage. I’m also thankful he’s old enough to do emergency room visits himself.
I’m thankful for answered prayer. Lately, my family has had several prayer requests, big ones and small, answered in surprising ways. I’m also thankful for God’s timing, which is so much better than mine. I’m thankful that when God answers prayer, he doesn’t always give us what we ask for exactly when we ask for it.
I’m thankful we finally have perfect pool party weather. I was beginning to wonder if we’d skip real summer this year, but it’s finally come—and promises to be here for at least a week.
I’m thankful for my grandson, the youngest of my grandchildren, who loves pool parties at Grandma’s house.
I’m thankful for two ripe tomatoes. And kale and spinach, ready to pick.