Theological Term of the Week
Tuesday, August 12, 2014 at 6:51PM
rebecca in theological terms

“[T]he view that God encompasses everything that exists, including the universe we inhabit, yet there is more to God than just the universe,” so that “the universe is part of God.”1

Learn more:

  1. What is panentheism?
  2. Theopedia: Panentheism
  3. Christian Apologetics and Research Ministry: What is panentheism?
  4. Elwell Evangelical Dictionary: Panentheism
  5. Norman Geisler: PanentheismPart One and Part Two
  6. James N. Anderson: Why Am Not a Panentheist

Related terms:

Filed under Worldviews

1From What’s Your Worldview?: An Interactive Approach to Life’s Big Questions by James N. Anderson, page 79.

Do you have a a theological term you’d like to see featured here as a Theological Term of the Week? If you email it to me, I’ll seriously consider using it, giving you credit for the suggestion and linking back to your blog when I do.

Clicking on Theological Terms in the navigation bar above will take you to a list of all the previous theological terms in alphabetical order.

Article originally appeared on Rebecca Writes (
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