Linked Together: Wildlife
Monday, August 25, 2014 at 8:44PM
rebecca in links I like

Bear Up
Did you know that grizzlies can use tools? Or maybe the headline should say one grizzly can use a stool? (CBC News)

Shooting Salmon
Here in my town, we use a fish ladder to get the returning salmon up and over the dam.

But some dams are too big to be scaled with a ladder, so they’ve invented a salmon cannon that can propel salmon 100 feet into the air and (hopefully) over the dam

(Update on the Whitehorse Rapids Fish Ladder: This year 1555 Chinook salmon have passed through. The run is winding down, so there won’t be many more. Thankfully, that’s a few hundred fish more than last year and the year before. Hopefully, it’s the start of an upward trend.)

Article originally appeared on Rebecca Writes (
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