Today I’m thankful
- for a little sunshine. All the rain we’ve had lately makes me appreciate what a good gift any sunshine is.
- for red heather on the mountains and yellow-leaved trees lining my walking trails.
- for orchard run apples and Yukon grown vegetables.
- for my home. I spend too much time thinking about the work that needs to be done on it and not enough time thanking God for it. Despite it’s flaws, it serves me well, and that’s a good gift.
- that God has sustained and helped me through the past thirteen years, from the time my husband was diagnosed with terminal cancer to today.
- that I can trust that God is still ruling and unfolding his perfect plan even when everything seems out of control.
- that the ascended Jesus intercedes for me, bringing my requests to the Father.
Also thankful today:
What are you thankful for? Leave a comment with your thanksgiving, post your thanksgiving on your blog, or tweet it. Give me the link by email or in a comment and I’ll add your thanksgiving to the list in the post.
Article originally appeared on Rebecca Writes (http://rebecca-writes.com/).
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