Theological Term of the Week: Incarnation
Thursday, December 19, 2024 at 2:30AM
rebecca in theological terms


The act of God in which God the son, the second person of the Trinity, took upon himself a human nature so that his divine nature and human nature were joined together in one person who is both truly God and truly man.

Learn more:

  1. Simply Put: Incarnation
  2. Got Questions: What is the meaning of the Incarnation of Christ?
  3. Biblical Training: Incarnation
  4. J. I. Packer: Incarnation: God Sent His Son to Save Us 
  5. R. C. Sproul: What We Celebrate at Christmas
  6. Stephen Wellum: The Incarnation and Two Natures of Christ
  7. Bob Deffinbaugh: The Importance of the Incarnation
  8. Mark Jones: The Mystery and Glory of the Incarnation


Related terms:


Filed under Person, Nature, and Work of Christ

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