Theological Term of the Week: Amyraldianism
Thursday, January 9, 2025 at 2:00AM
rebecca in theological terms


A system of theology introduced by Moise Amyraut, in which the Calvinist doctrines of total depravity, unconditional election, irresistible grace and perseverance of the saints are affirmed, along with (contrary to Calvinism) the teaching that Christ died savingly for all people, making salvation hypothetically possible for all, while only the elect are brought to faith and actually saved; sometimes called Amyraldism.

Learn more:

  1. Carl R. Trueman:  Amyraldianism
  2. R. Scott Clark: Amyraldianism
  3. Michael Lynch: Amyraldianism and English Hypothetical Universalism: What’s the Difference? 
  4. Curt Daniel: Amyraldianism (audio) 

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Filed under Reformed Theology

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