Rebecca Stark is the author of The Good Portion: Godthe second title in The Good Portion series.

The Good Portion: God explores what Scripture teaches about God in hopes that readers will see his perfection, worth, magnificence, and beauty as they study his triune nature, infinite attributes, and wondrous works. 


Entries by rebecca (4042)


Poetry of the Cross: Cowper's Grave

From Elizabeth Barrett Browning about another British poet, William Cowper, whose sad life I’ve written about here and here. The short story behind this poem is this: William Cowper was a believer who suffered from some kind of mental illness and lived much of his life in hopelessness. In his melancholy episodes, which were long lasting, he was convinced that he had been forsaken by God. This is Elizabeth Barrett Browning’s reflections on his life and afterlife.
It is about Cowper, yes, but more than that, it is a poem of the cross of Christ.
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Recipe Round Up: Side Dishes

recipe%20round%20up.JPGThe goods to go with the rest at The Accidental Pastor’s Wife.

Thanks, Julie, for hosting this month’s Recipe Round Up


Poetry of the Cross: The Agonie.

Philosophers have measur’d mountains,
Fathom’d the depths of seas, of states, and kings,
Walk’d with a staffe to heav’n, and traced fountains:
But there are two vast, spacious things,
The which to measure it doth more behove:
Yet few there are that sound them; Sinne and Love.

Who would know Sinne, let him repair
Unto mount Olivet; there shall he see
A man so wrung with pains, that all his hair,
His skinne, his garments bloudie be.
Sinne is that presse and vice, which forceth pain
To hunt his cruell food through ev’ry vein.

Who knows not Love, let him assay
And taste that juice, which on the crosse a pike
Did set again abroach; then let him say
If ever he did taste the like.
Love in that liquour sweet and most divine,
Which my God feels as bloud; but I, as wine.

George Herbert, 1633

More Poetry of the Cross

You are welcome to join me in my celebration of Poetry of the Cross if you wish. Just post a cross-centered poem any day of this week (or every day of this week) and send me the link to your poem. I’ll link back to your poem in the next Poetry of the Cross post.