Graduation Dinner Photos

Here’s a photo of youngest son and me after his grad dinner, but before the sometimes boring and sometimes inappropriate speeches. The lack of decorum, by the way, was not on the part of the students or the parents, but by the principal and one of the teachers in their speeches. And in case you think it was just old fogey me who found some remarks shocking, my older children’s jaws dropped during some of the program.
The principal asked questions, intended to be humorous, about the future of some of the graduating students, and several of them crossed the line from funny to rude or humiliating, and at least one had sexual innuendo which was just disturbingly creepy when made by a fifty-year-old principal about an 18-year-old girl student.
In youngest son’s case, the supposedly funny question was about whether he would become a male stripper. I think the remark was meant to be a funny compliment about his athlete’s physique, but it embarrassed youngest son. Made by one of his friends or by his brother in a teasing way, he might have thought if funny; but hearing it from his principal in front of several hundred people, his family included, was a whole different matter.
I’m not sure most 17 and 18-year-olds are ready to endure public roasting type remarks anyway, even if they were all tastefully done. Sure they laugh it off—they have to, or they look like a poor sport—but do you think they enjoy it?
But it was fun to see youngest son all spiffied up and in a tux, and to see all the other students in their formal wear, too. Two of youngest son’s close friends gave a speech together that was short, funny, and superbly done, and I wouldn’t have wanted to miss that, either. So all was not lost.

Here’s a photo I took of all four kids together.
Reader Comments (11)
What wonderful pictures! thanks for sharing!
Too bad the adults didn't behave with decorum.
It's so neat to see your family!
That is quite disturbing about the rude remarks, but it's nice that you managed to have an enjoyable evening after all. Congratulations to your son! My oldest son graduated this year.
Congratulations. This is a major transitional moment is young men's lives.
Those remarks, considering the source, content, and slippery slope they show evidence of sliding down, do not bode well for the future. I am happy for you that your youngest is now out of the environment, but sad for those who are not.
What a beautiful family!
Great pictures! Too bad about the comments. Yikes.
Congratulations to your son.
Enjoyed the photo of your children.It's great seeing how unique each one is in appearance. Congratulations on your son's graduation.
I'm glad it wasn't a total loss. Some people need to learn that what young men and women most like is for adults not to make fools of themselves; they'll get along quite well even with people who aren't funny at all if they're not making fools of themselves.
I like the pink outfit, by the way; very sharp.
Hey I just came back this very evening from an awards ceremony at my son's high school here on Vancouver island, BC. The atmosphere was sweet and respectful..a gentle fun honouring of these kids. Nothing even vaguely hinted inappropriate stuff like your family had to endure. Ouch.
I do think a prayerful visit to an school superintendent or at least a letter would be very worthwhile in your case. I will pray for you regarding this. Remember David and that Goliath guy?? The radiance of who you are in Christ will empower you ( and me ). Blessings.... Barb from Vancouver island
Hi Barbara,
I have mentioned it to someone I know who work in the department of ed.
I'm glad your awards ceremony went better than ours.
Thanks for sharing the photos. You have a lovely family! It is also good to "see" you!! Congratulations on your son's graduation. :)