Weather Reporting: January 1

There’s a reason small talk often centers around the weather: Everyone has it and everyone knows something about it. That means you have no excuses for not participating in this month’s bloggy theme, which is weather.
In much of the world, January is a month of weather extremes, and I think it’d be fun to hear a little about yours. If you live where it’s temperate year round, I like to hear about that, too. Post something weather related during the month of January and send me the link and I’ll link to your post in a collection of weather related posts.
I can think of several possibilities for weather reporting.
- Post your highs and lows for the day.
- Post a photo that shows your weather.
- Describe your weather.
- Get scientific and explain a weather phenomen.
The sky’s the limit. If it has anything to do with weather, I’ll link to it, as long as you send me the link.
And that’s where this year’s themed months will differ from the previous ones. You must send me the link. In the past I spent way too much time searching for a post I remembered reading but lost track of, and I’m not going to do that this time around. Even if you are my very best bloggy friend in the whole wide world, don’t count on me linking to your post if you didn’t send me the link. So make good use of the contact button under my photo in the sidebar and we’ll all be happy.
Expect to see the weather reports posted on Tuesday and Friday of each week. You are welcome to contribute more than one post to each collection of reports.
If you don’t have a blog, that doesn’t mean I don’t want to know about your weather. Go right ahead and tell me what it’s like outside your home in the comments of any Tuesday or Friday weather report.
Any questions?
And, as long as we’re on the subject, here’s what the weather’s like outside my house right now.
I guess I can’t expect to get a suntan, but all in all, it’s not too bad for January in the Yukon.
How does your weather compare? (If you send me your weather post link in the next 24 hours, I’ll add it to this post.)

The updated weather reports from around the world and close to home:
- Fellow Yukoner Murry contributes a post with a photo of Lake Bennett that shows both ice fog and a sun dog, two fascinating weather features we see around here.
- Meanwhile, in Australia, Missmellifluous has beach weather….sort of.
- Leslie reports a winter chill even in Alabama, with her low temp not all that different from mine.
- Lindsey comments that it’s “REEEEEEEEELLLLLYYY cold here in NC. It was 75 at the beach on Saturday, and 22 today.”
- There’s a wind chill advisory in Illinois, so Kim posts a cold weather recipe.
- Carla is happy for the opportunity to tell us about her weather geekness and January in Ontario.
- Mark in Lemont, Illinois is colder than I am.
- Added on Wednesday evening: Island Sparrow is hunkered down in PEI with “plenty of food, wood for the fire and a new Christmas book to read.” It’s the fourth storm, she says, this week. She’s posted some lovely photos of the snow.
- My sister-in-law Karen, who lives in southern California, writes that her latest local weather report says that “we will have more rain in the nest 8 days than in Noah’s time…”.
Reader Comments (12)
Since I live just down the street from you, it seems useless to send you a local weather report! But perhaps I'll be able to contribute a photo or other post later on this month.
I just wanted to ask you if you noticed whether you're still in the Urban Yukon feed. Under your profile, your most recent posts show up, but I don't remember seeing a post from you in the main feed for months - which is why I came for a visit today. I've fallen off the feed over there before, so I just thought I'd mention it. An e-mail to Geoff fixed things up pretty quickly. :)
Best wishes to you for 2008!
Just who is managing that crazy Urban Yukon website? Wowzers. Sorry Rebecca, you're now back in the homepage feed once again. I did some maintenance a few months ago and it appears your blog got lost in the shuffle. Ooops? :)
Few folks in Whitehorse seem to leave the city limits when it gets cold, and miss out on some great weather phenomena. There’s still a fair bit of open water on some of the big lakes down the highway, and the layers of icy fog seen in the photo on my blog post at were caused by that open water on Lake Bennett. The ice crystals in the air in turn caused the sundog seen in front of Montana Mountain. Normally you’ll see a sundog on each side of the sun, but because the ice in the air was localized there was only one this time.
The weather down here is swell and lots of it! And how fun that I discovered your theme just a few hours after writing this post:
This will be fun!
The temps today are below average (59) at 25 degrees. We tried to ride our bikes this morning for a little outdoors time, but that didn't go over too well. It's too cold for us southerners.
REEEEEEEEELLLLLYYY cold here in NC. It was 75 at the beach on Saturday, and 22 today. Go figure!
you're now back in the homepage feed once again.
Ha! Thanks Fawn and Geoff. It's nice to wake up to find a problem I didn't know I had already solved....
And please post a photo sometime this month, Fawn. Down the street is good. :)
I'm enjoying these links, Rebecca. Good theme!
Check out our weather - 4th storm this week.
oops- here's the link -
Hi Rebecca ... here's my post ... check out my weather for next Tuesday! Yeah, well, we will wait and see ...
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