Weather Reporting: January 8

Let’s start today’s collection right here at home and go from there.
Yukon: Fawn, who lives down the street from me, has noticed one big advantage to cloudy nights.
I posted about yesterday’s weather and called it average. I got a complaint from Chris, who had to do some work out in the stronger than average wind.
Ontario-io: Kim has had dismal weather with lots of fog, low clouds and rain. There’s nothing more dreary than a January thaw.
New Zealand: Catez makes us all jealous with photos and a description of the summer sea.
Nevada: Candyinsierras reports:
In my part of the world today [Sunday], we have many inches of new snow, a levee that broke to the east flooding a town, no church since we drive an hour to attend and chains are required, and so perhaps I will snowshoe at a local park.
Illinois: Kim reports that in Chicagoland, it was like mud soup on Sunday, and today they have “[t]emperatures in the 60’s, heavy rain, tornadoes, flood warnings.”
California: Ellen took a muddy walk on Saturday.
Darlene sends a link to a photo of the beautiful snow-capped peaks over Los Angeles.
Update: Carla lives in Ontario now, but she tells us about a long ago January day in Idlyllwild, CA.
British Columbia: Violet, who had snow that turned into rain, gives a round-the-world tour of interesting things made from ice.
Northern Ireland: One word from Elaine: Storms.
Minnesota: Right now, Kevin’s having a bit of a January thaw, but he’s posted pictures of a snow storm from last winter.
United Kingdom: It’s going to be wet, wet, wet, …and windy, says Ann.
You can join in this month’s weather fun, too. You’ll find the details for participating here, and if you send me your report before tomorrow (Wednesday) morning, I’ll add it to this post. If you send it after that, expect to see it in Friday’s weather report.
If you sent me a link and I missed it, please let me know, okay?
Reader Comments (4)
This is really fun Rebecca - thank you for help and for doing these weather posts! Hopefully we will have a warm sunny day soon!
Yes I think this is interesting as left to my own devices I wouldn't bother checking the weather where all theses folks are.
Thanks for organising, I'm sure it takes up some time.
My only update was the storm did come then this morning snow, but it has almost all melted again to my kids disgust :-)
Ahhh! Too bad the snow didn't stay for a bit. :)
January Thaw ... weather update ...