It's the Gospel: October 7

The Apostles Preaching the Gospel by Gustav DoreAt Rebecca Writes, we’re celebrating the gospel during the month of October. Twice
a week, at least, I’ll be posting something pertaining to the gospel, which, in a
nutshell is the good news that Jesus Christ died for our sin and was
raised from the dead, so that through faith, we are united with Christ
and receive every blessing merited by his work.
As always, you are invited to participate with me. On Tuesdays and Fridays throughout the month, I’ll post a collection of links to gospel related posts. If you post a quote, verse, poem, story, book review, or essay, etc. on a subject connected in some way to the gospel, send me an email with your link and I’ll link back to your post (or posts) on the next Tuesday or Friday. There are no limits, really, on the form or number of your post, just the subject.
What do we have in our first collection of gospel posts?
Ann of Whatever Things posts a hymn that relates the gospel to what happened in the Garden of Eden.
Kim of Hiraeth has a gospel quote from Martin Luther.
Over at Field Stone Cottage, Dorothy knows that the best place to go for gospel quotes is scripture.
I posted a review of Contending for Our All, a book about three historical figures who fought for truths crucial to the gospel. Here’s a bonus gospel quote from that book, a quote from John Owen, who emphasised that we must be loving in disputes, but at the same time, we must never yield on the smallest point when it comes to the truth of the gospel.
I can freely say, that I know not that man in England who is willing to go farther in forbearance, love, and communion with all that fear God and hold the foundation, than I am; but that this is to be done upon other grounds, principles, and ways, by other means and expedients, than by a condescension from the exactness of the least apex of gospel truth, or by an accommodation of doctrines by loose and general terms, I have elsewhere sufficiently declared. Let no man deceive you with vain pretences; hold fast the truth as it is in Jesus, part not with one iota, and contend for it when called thereunto.
Why don’t you join us by posting something about the gospel sometime during the month of October? I’ll be collecting links again this coming Friday, the 10th.
Still not sure what the gospel is? There are a few links in this post that might help.
Reader Comments (2)
Dorothy suggested I share my 'Gospel' link. This is a great idea to have a roundup of Gospel-themed posts. Yay for October at Rebecca's! So, here is my post with two gospel-quotes---
I am enjoying the other posts/links as well.
Thanks Lisa.
I'll be posting the next round up tomorrow morning.