Being Thankful in November

Grace by EnstromFor the third year, I’m declaring November a month of thanksgiving at Rebecca Writes. Every day in November I plan to post something for which I’m thankful.
I’m inviting your participation, too. Every one of us has an abundance of good gifts from God and listing our good gifts and thanking him for them is an an exercise that makes that crystal clear.
Here are three ways you can join in the thanksgiving. Feel free to participate as often as you like.
- Mention something you’re thankful for in the comments here and I’ll included it in one of my thanksgiving posts, or
- Email me to tell me what you’re thankful for and I’ll include it in a post, or
- Post your thankful thought(s) on your own blog, send me the link(s), and I’ll link to your post(s). Update: If you plan to make your thanksgiving posts daily during the month, let me know that and you won’t need to continue sending me daily links.
(click on photo for larger view
or here for back viewTo encourage you to contribute to this celebration of God’s goodness, I’m offering a draw prize for all participants. Thats right, I’m bribing you to be thankful. Every time you participate by sharing your thankfullness in any of the three ways listed above, I will enter you in the draw. On December 1 (or thereabouts) I’ll send a beautiful 2009 calendar by Yukon photographer Wayne Towriss to the one person whose name I draw from all the entries.
Reader Comments (5)
I came from Ellenb's blog. I will try to post every day this month. Today I'm THANKFUL it rained, rained, rained in Camarillo CA. We needed it and it may mean the end of fire season!
Here in Hinton Alberta it was a beautiful sunny day and I am thankful we got to go outside and enjoys the beauty of the day and praise God for all he has made.
This is a wonderful idea.
I didn't know you were such a good photographer-the picture of your walk in the woods with your dog is beautiful. It is now my destop picture. The "Grace" picture will be the nest one. Any chance of putting in an order for the Yukon calendar?
I am thankful for the few drops of rain we had today and may have tomorrow.
Karen, Monrovia, CA
Hi Karen,
Andrew took the photo, not me. :)
If you don't win the calendar in the draw, perhaps I'll send you one for Christmas.
Kim from Hiraeth sent me! I am posting daily on gratefulness. Glad to meet you!