Being Thankful on November 18

In the past five years I’ve had to make numerous decisions on my own and do so many things by myself that I’d never done before. I’m thankful that I’ve been guided through them all by my heavenly Father. I am always praying for wisdom because I know so little about some of the things I’ve had to sort out and make up my mind about. You know, I can’t think of anything that’s gone badly, which can only be because of God’s protection, because in my ignorance I have sometimes not considered factors I should have.
I’m thankful that God is “Father of the fatherless and protector of widows….” (Psalm 68:5 ESV)
- Willow is thankful to be “back to the Southern California days of beach umbrellas…”
- Kim of The Upward Call is thankful for people who can make others laugh.
- Connie is thankful for physical health.
- Dorothy is thankful for “all the opportunities I’ve had to study His Word and grow in my relationship with Him.”
- Liz is thankful for Joe and more.
- Tulipgirl is thankful for a working washer and dryer and more.
- Dawn is thankful for all of her children’s in-laws.
- Kim of Hiraeth is thankful for 30 years of marriage.
- Ann is thankful for safety.
What are you thankful for?
I’m celebrating good gifts from God during the month of November and hoping you’ll be thankful for your good gifts, too. Here’s how you can join in the thanksgiving and even, perhaps, get something material from it. If you’ve posted something you’ve posted something you’ve expected me to include and you don’t see it on the list, please let me know. I do miss things sometimes.
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