
If all goes as planned, on March 13th Charles Colson will be appearing here on the blog, answering one question I submit to him about his new book, The Faith. He’ll be doing what has now become known as the Tim Challies-style book blog tour.
My question needs to be submitted by the 3rd of March, but the book hasn’t arrived in the mail yet. So when (and if) it shows up, I’ll be busy reading for a few days to try to make the deadline for the question. I am also supposed to be reviewing the book here on the blog sometime before the day of the posted interview question and answer, so I have that deadline on my agenda, too.
I am old enough to remember Colson for Watergate, and since I moved to the north of Canada shortly after all that, that’s about all I know him for. Up until the time I started blogging, I was, like many other Canadian believers, ignorant of most of the happenings in American evangelicalism, which isn’t such a bad thing, you know.
When it comes to asking Chuck Colson a question about his latest book, that he’s been flying under my radar is probably not a bad thing. It means the question I ask him will have to be based on the book itself and nothing else, and when I judge the book in my review, I won’t have to work very hard to be unbiased. And if the book really is about what the subtitle claims—What Christians Believe, Why They Believe It, and Why It Matters—then I won’t come into it ignorant of the subject matter. It’s all good, isn’t it? As long as the book arrives, that is.
Here is the schedule for the blog tour for The Faith. Why this blog was included in that list of famous blogs, I can’t say.
I will also be giving my testimony in church on the 9th of March. I am not the sort who can fly by the seat of her pants when it comes to speaking in public, so I’ll be preparing for that, too. By that, I mean I’ll be writing down, word for word, what I plan to say.
If I disappear for a day or two here and there over the next couple of weeks, you know why: I’m reading or writing something other than blog posts.
Reader Comments (3)
I gave my public testimony in church last night. I also wrote down word for word what I had to say, and then began to develop a cough/throat tickle thing, about an hour before it was time to take the podium. I love to sit and listen to how the Lord has worked His will in the lives of His people, so may He bless you richly with words of great praise!
Wow...I'm impressed! God has made you faithful over little things and you are exalted in His time. :) Waiting for you to join the live blogging group that travels to conferences. Maybe you can come live blog our women's conference which has Noel Piper as a speaker. You can stay with me and visit beautiful Lake Tahoe!
mr. colson appeared at the rethink conference at schuller's church at the end of january. i wasn't in attendance - found out about it after the fact - but would be interested to know what his comments were about. i sense from people like colson and billy graham that, as they reach the later years in life, what they once considered non-negotiable doctrines become less and less important, and the God they believe in grows bigger and bigger. that's what happened to me in my faith walk - a gradual awareness that i know very little, and that God isn't going to be contained by either my knowledge, nor by a substantial, well-intentioned, but in the end limited, 2000-year old book.
and, in the interest of full disclosure, it's that view that keeps getting me banned from sites around the net claiming to tolerate differing opinions. feel free to look around for comments i've offered; they generally appear under the heading, 'comment deleted'...
anyway, that's something you might think about asking him. seems to be a logical extension of his work in the ecumenical area.
mike rucker