Petitionary Prayer: April 11

This month’s theme here at Rebecca Writes is petitionary prayer. On Tuesdays and Fridays throughout April, I’ll be posting one request I am making of God, and I’m inviting you to join me. You’ll find all the details here.
- Today I’m praying for me, that I’ll have the wisdom to keep my mouth shut when that’s what’s called for, and the wisdom to say the right thing when that’s what’s called for. And that’s about all I’m saying about that! Update: Dorothy and Lisa are piggybacking on this request.
- Violet of promptings shows us how she keeps track of her prayer requests, and tells us she is prayer for many friends and relatives who are ill.
- Update: Kim of Hiraeth is “praying for a dear friend from church who is undergoing some pulmonary testing this week and next.”
- Update: Kim of The Upward Call is praying for her sister-in-law.
- Update: Sandra Peoples is praying for her own speech, too.
I’ve been focusing on Eph. 4:29 “Let no corrupt talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear.” Oh so hard!
- Update: And pray for Carla, who is sick.
Reader Comments (6)
I'm praying for a dear friend from church who is undergoing some pulmonary testing this week and next.
I'm praying for my sister-in-law who has some potentially serious health issues.
I'm praying for my speech as well. I've been focusing on Eph. 4:29 "Let no corrupt talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear." Oh so hard!
Can I piggyback onto your request, Rebecca? I won't go into details, just let me say, your request completely fits my needs today!
Oh boy! Well, I both kept my mouth shut and spoke up. It remains to be seen whether I did them in wisdom. :)
You wrote: Today I’m praying for me, that I’ll have the wisdom to keep my mouth shut when that’s what’s called for, and the wisdom to say the right thing when that’s what’s called for. And that’s about all I’m saying about that!
I need that prayer as well.
Please also pray for a friend of mine that is struggling with her health. She is in constant severe pain.