Petitionary Prayer: April 15

This month’s theme here at Rebecca Writes is petitionary prayer. On Tuesdays and Fridays throughout April, I’ll be posting one request I am making of God, and I’m inviting you to join me. You’ll find all the details here.
- Today I’ve prayed for youngest daughter, who is in the midst of a rigorous training program for a new job. There are many tests to pass and hours and hours of studying required and lots of forms to fill out, in addition to the eight-hour days training. Among other things, I asked that she be kept in good health under the physical and mental pressure.
- Dorothy is praying for her church, which is moving into a new and exciting stage of it’s young life.
- Kim of Hiraeth is praying for her church, which just happens to be Dorothy’s church too.
- Carla prays that she will be salt and light to her own kids.
- Kim of The Upward Call is praying for the students she knows.
- Staci is praying for the Together for the Gospel Conference.
Reader Comments (1)
Dear Niece. My prayers and thoughts are with you. You will do well, I know.