Petitionary Prayer: April 18

This month’s theme here at Rebecca Writes is petitionary prayer. On Tuesdays and Fridays throughout April, I’ll be posting one request I am making of God, and I’m inviting you to join me. You’ll find all the details here.
- Today I prayed for two people who are have very serious illnesses. I prayed for healing, but I also prayed that God draw them closer to him and give them (and their families) strength to face whatever is coming their way.
- Update: Dorothy asks that “God would keep me sensitive to His gentle whisper in my days.”
- Update 2: Jane has been praying for a “boy in my daughter’s second grade class has been diagnosed with Hodgkin’s disease. It’s in stage IV. I have been asking the Lord to heal this boy and sustain his family.”
- Update 3: Lisa is praying
for a family that lost there mother this week. She drowned in the bathtub while she was having a seizure. No one was home at the time. Her children attend my children’s small Christian school. It is a university-model school in which the children go to school 2 times a week and then the mother homeschools them with the material they learned at the school on the other 3 days. This tragedy happened on a homeschool day… the next day was to be a school day. Instead, the family attended her memorial service this morning. There are 2 children, a kindergartener and a 1st grader. They are an incredible Christian family. Please pray for them.
Reader Comments (5)
Why pray if you havent the faith that God will heal.
Giving God an alternative is no way to ask. Make your mind up. If you dont know God's will on the matter, Dont you think you should find out first.?
If you havent a promise to believe specifically for something then your faith is no different than the heathen who pray to their Gods and sometimes they are answered and sometimes they are not. It always 50-50.
So be honest, how many prayers have you not had answered?
I guarantee your friends will get better or get worse.
Will you be taking up the battle challenge then?
Why pray if you havent the faith that God will heal.
Oh, I do have faith that God will heal....if that's his will. But sometimes it's not his will to heal someone.
Giving God an alternative is no way to ask.
Not according to scripture, and not according to Jesus, who asked of the Father, "If it be possible, let this cup pass from me; nevertheless, not as I will, but as you will.”
I can't do better than Jesus. So I ask for healing, but ultimately, submit myself to God's will in the matter.
A boy in my daughter's second grade class has been diagnosed with Hodgkin's disease. It's in stage IV. I have been asking the Lord to heal this boy and sustain his family.
I am praying for a family that lost there mother this week. She drowned in the bathtub while she was having a seizure. No one was home at the time. Her children attend my children's small Christian school. It is a university-model school in which the children go to school 2 times a week and then the mother homeschools them with the material they learned at the school on the other 3 days. This tragedy happened on a homeschool day... the next day was to be a school day. Instead, the family attended her memorial service this morning. There are 2 children, a kindergartener and a 1st grader. They are an incredible Christian family. Please pray for them.
You wrote: I ask for healing, but ultimately, submit myself to God's will in the matter.
AMEN Rebecca!!! Very gracious, Biblically sound, God-honoring answer.
Why include Deo Volente in our prayers? Because we serve a mighty God... not a wishy-washy God that can be told what to do. He is a God that will do what is best for HIS glory. He is God and we are not... thank you Lord!