Only in the Yukon: Signs of Spring

- In the front yard, there are crisscrossing squirrel tracks in the layer of fresh snow.
- The long term forecast shows every day with above freezing highs.
- It is light when I drive home from evening meetings.
- Some swans have returned, and if I were one of the Luddites using Microsoft Windows and Internet Explorer, I might be able to see them on the Swan-Cam.
- Updated to add: I’ve had to start using my antihistamine again.
Reader Comments (7)
A sure sign of spring in my hometown in Minnesota: Today has been declared a snow day.
Um, so I guess I should stop complaining about all the rain we've had, since today it's sunny and 65F.
Bradford Pear and redbud trees are in bloom here. Yesterday my kids came in with some violets they had picked.
I've also had to start taking Claritin again - another sure sign of spring.
Oh yes! I forgot about the antihistamine sign. I have to add that to my list, since I've started taking my antihistamine for my spring allergies, too. Sorry for copying you, Staci. :)
A sign of spring in Manitoba: The geese are in attack mode.
I saw the first hummingbird today, so I think it's safe to say spring is here.
A sign of sping in So California is WIND. Of course with wind comes allergies--yuk :(.
We have wind all year around! :) And dust. Lots of it.