The Good Book Company in North America

The Good Book Company is a UK based publishing house that has produced solid, gospel material for over fifteen years. Now this company is announcing that it is making its resources available in North America.
From the press release:
We are pleased to announce the launch of a new, Bible-centered, Christian resource provider in North America. From the 2nd February 2009, The Good Book Company will make available its full range of resources to churches and individuals in North America from its new US-based website.
The Good Book Company is a Christian resourcing agency that began in the UK and grew out of the need for attractive, quality, practical materials for gospel work, which don’t compromise on the essentials of the Christian faith. It has a particular focus on daily devotional reading, small group Bible study, outreach, discipleship and resources for youth and children.
A number of The Good Book Company?s resources already have a strong following in the US and Canada, including Christianity Explored, The Gospel Centered Church, Christianity Explained and If you could ask God one Question. Now they are cheaper and easier to get hold of than ever before.
Visitors to will receive 10% off all purchases for the month of February. Since that site doesn’t launch until next Monday, you may want to check out The Good Book Company’s UK site to see the type of resources they offer.
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