All My Favorite Hymns

made it on the Top 100 Hymn list at Semicolon. Here’s my list of hymns with their corresponding number on the big list.
- When I Survery the Wondrous Cross is 10.
- Jesus I Am Resting, Resting is 61.
- It Is Well With My Soul is 3.
- O Sacred Head Now Wounded is 16.
- Like A River Glorious is 38.
- All Hail the Power of Jesus Name is 22.
- Holy, Holy, Holy is 8.
- God Moves in a Mysterious Way is 95.
- Jesus Paid It All is 33.
- Children of the Heavenly Father is 68.
I’m surprised they all showed up in the top 100.
Reader Comments (4)
Interesting! That was quite a project for her. Eight of my top 10 were on her list of 100.
Did 'May the Mind of Christ my Savior' hit the list?
Not that I can see. Is that your favorite?
Great list of favourites! Thanks for posting it. I'd add a couple more: "Be Still, My Soul," and "Jesus Loves Even Me" ("I am so glad that our Father in heaven...") The simplicity of the latter is perhaps misleading. It is sometimes thought of as a children's hymn. But there is some profound truth there.
If you enjoy learning a bit about the history of our traditional hymns and gospel songs, and their authors, I invite you to check out my daily blog on the subject, Wordwise Hymns. God bless.