Thanksgiving 10

I’m thankful for books. I’ve loved books since I was very young, and throughout my life, I’ve learned much more from books than school. Even though I recently pruned my bookshelves, I still have lots and lots of books, and just seeing those full (but no longer overstuffed) bookshelves makes me happy, because I know that with all those books, I will never ever be bored. ‘Tain’t possible.
Last week a friend asked if I might have a book for her to read. I looked through my bookshelves and quickly collected four biographical books I thought might possibly interest her, not giving the task much thought. I finally got the books to her on Friday, and on Sunday she returned two of them, not because she wasn’t interested in them, but because she’d already read them. It turns out that she’d loved those two books for connections they had to her own life that I hadn’t even known when I chose them for her.
So I’m thankful for book—for the joy they give me and the joy they give others around me.
What are you thankful for today?
- Rachel is thankful for laughter.
- Kristina is thankful for music.
- Elle is thankful for a certain truth.
- Connie is thankful for books. (Ha! There can never be too much thanksgiving for books.)
- Kim is thankful for the Psalms.
- Kim of Hiraeth is thankful for her husband.
- Carla is thankful for the cold. Yep, that’s what she says and she has good reasons.
- Ann is thankful for location, location, location.
- Dorothy is thankful for opportunities to study God’s Word.
- Jenn is thankful for warm weather.
- Lisa is thankful for other people’s kids..
- Julie is thankful for the ability to write without pain and more.
- Jules is thankful for Christian friends, and especially one special friend.
- Update: Lisa is thankful for chocolate iced doughnuts.
- Update: Rosemary is thankful for God’s daily provision.
- Update: Kim is thankful for caffeine.
- Update: At Scriptorium, Kim is thankful for “new sources for leads and the time in which to pursue them!”
- Update: Suzanne is thankful for free books and audiobooks on the internet.
- Update: Candy is
also thankful for books. Opening a book. The tactile feeling of a book. Staying up late at night because I cannot set the book down, and discussing books with other book lovers. I even enjoy opening a book that once belonged to my late mother who smoked like a chimney. Opening the book with the lingering scent of smoke reminds me of her and is somehow comforting.
I am also thankful for faithful bloggers who provide a respite for me when I am tired from a long day at work.
Here are three ways you can join in the thanksgiving.
- Mention something you’re thankful for in the comments here and I’ll included it in one of my thanksgiving posts, or
- Email me to tell me what you’re thankful for and I’ll include it in a post, or
- Post your thankful thought(s) on your own blog, send me the link(s), and I’ll link to your post(s). If you plan to make your thanksgiving posts daily during the month, let me know that and you won’t need to send me daily links.
If you’ve got a thanksgiving post and I missed it, please let me know so I can add your link.
Reader Comments (9)
Oh boy, I am with you on the book thing, Rebecca! Especially the part about learning much more from books than I ever did in school!
Add me to this thanksgiving, too! I can't imagine a life without books. Love 'em. And I find it no coincidence that God uses a book to teach us so much about himself.
Books, glorious books! I love them and am SO THANKFUL for the books that have had such an impact on my life--and there are many!!
Here's my Scriptorium link:
There's nothing like spending time with a good book! Love 'em!
Today's (short!) post is up:
Amen and amen! Definitely thankful for books here!
I am also thankful for books. Opening a book. The tactile feeling of a book. Staying up late at night because I cannot set the book down, and discussing books with other book lovers. I even enjoy opening a book that once belonged to my late mother who smoked like a chimney. Opening the book with the lingering scent of smoke reminds me of her and is somehow comforting.
I am also thankful for faithful bloggers who provide a respite for me when I am tired from a long day at work.
I love your thanksgiving post! I am including you on my list of bloggers giving thanks--that have added value to my day! I don't have Day 11 up yet, but your blog link is included in my draft currently! Thanks so much! You blessed me today!
Books! Yes, indeed!