Do You Think the Name Gave It Away?
We have strong indicators that is written by a woman (100%).
This result is from GenderAnalyzer, which uses “Artificial Intelligence to determine if a homepage is written by a man or woman. Behind the scene, a text classifier hosted over at has been trained on blogs written by men and women.”
What does the GenderAnalyzer say about your blog?
(I’m down for the count with something kind of nasty, which means I’m only up to posting trivialities today.)
Reader Comments (7)
Feel better soon!
I always knew I wasn't a properly constructed woman. Mine said this:
We guess is written by a man (50%), however it's quite gender neutral.
We think is written by a man (69%).
Well... okay. I've been told before I write like a man. Not sure what that really means, but I'm good with that.
It must have been the name because all the talk of shoveling should make you seem not too girly. Hope you feel better soon.
Should I admit this? Would Piper have concerns? They are 51% sure that my blog is written by a woman, but then, like Kim's, the "blog is quite gender neutral."
I guess Kim and I have similar styles.
got me right, got my hubby wrong. twas fun to do.
We guess is written by a woman (53%), however it's quite gender neutral.
Geeez! I'm gonna have to go and be more girly and I thought I was already. *sigh*