Saturday's Old Photo

I brought some more of my dad’s photos home to scan and now I have new incentive to resurrect the Saturday’s Old Photo posts.
This photo was taken somewhere on a trip from Minnesota to Kansas for Christmas 1974. From left to right is my dad, my mom, my sister, me, and the young man I would later marry.
The van belonged to my future husband. We used it for the trip because it was roomy enough for all of us to ride in comfort. And it would actually have been comfortable if it’d had a better heater. Perhaps the chilly ride is the explanation for my dad’s Russian look.
I am 19 years old, the same age my youngest son is right now. Before Christmas is over, I will be engaged, and the coming June, I will be married.
My kids find that strange. They can’t imagine taking on the responsibility of marriage so young, and while we were still students. I never regretted it, even for a second. Extended adolescence, you know, is overrated.
Reader Comments (7)
Extended adolescence, you know, is overrated.
I agree. I was 22 when I was married and my father-in-law thought that was too young.
Your hair was so long!
My kids would love a van like that. They call it "Old School."
My dad wore a hat just like that!!
I was married at 19 in 1972.
No regrets.
Not one.
You haven't changed much at all, Rebecca! I knew it was the you of the seventies right away!
They call it "Old School."
It was old school even in 1974. And by "old school" I mean "on its last legs."
It's a joy to see this picture. This is how i picture you and your family still to this day. I've always apreciated the part your family played in my life as pastor and family friends. The van looks very much like the one i drove through your fine city on my way to Fairbanks Alaska in the summer of 1975. I was with my friend Clif and we had it loaded down with two motorcycles inside and four canoes on the top. What a site we were. Amazing we made it to our destination. Thanks again for the picture. Miles.
I was married in 1994 at the age of 22. I had one more year of college. My friends were scandalized that I was getting married so young. I have no regrets.
Hello Miles,
Thank you for your kind words.