Saturday's Old Photo

In last week’s Saturday’s Old Photo, I posted a photo of the home my mother grew up in. This week, I’m visiting the other side of my family. This is an aerial photo of the farm south of Tribune, Kansas that was my father’s childhood home. The house you see on the far left is in the background of this photo.
This picture came from the front of a Kansas farm magazine. My father was unsure of the name of the magazine, but he did remember that it featured an aerial photo of a Kansas farm on the cover of every issue. There was a prize of some sort—a year’s subscription, he thought—given to the first person to identify the farm. It was a friend of my grandparents who won the prize this time. My dad guesses that this photo was taken some time in the 1950s.
We visited this farm often when I was young, sometimes during the wheat harvest so my dad could help out. We ate all three meals around the big dinner table on some of the same pastel Boonton Ware dishes I have in the bottom of my china cabinet now.
The handwriting under the photo is from my grandmother, who died nearly 30 years ago.
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