Stale Bread: How You Can Help

The post with ways to use up leftover mashed potatoeshas been very popular, so, link hog that I am, I’ve decided to add to the posts in the use-it-up category with a post on ways to use up stale bread. I’m shooting for Friday as the day to post it and this time I’m asking you to help me out beforehand.
Do you have a favorite way to use up old bread or a recipe that calls for it? Tell me all about it in a comment on this post or post the information on your own blog and give me the link. If you’d rather not comment, just email your info to me by clicking on the contact button right under the blog title above.
On Friday, I’ll collect everything into one big (I hope) post, adding my tips and recipes (if there’s anything left for me to add) and giving credit where credit is due, with a name acknowledgement for nonbloggers and link acknowledgement for bloggers.
So what have you got for me?
Reader Comments (6)
Crunchy croutons and toasted bread crumbs! Garlic toast!
I copied your Hamburger Buns recipe; it sounds fabulous. Thanks!
Rosemary beat me to it! Croutons are my favorite way to use up stale bread.
I use stale bread for all of the above. Also, I put it in meatloaf, use it to make a panade when making bolognese sauce, bread pudding, stuffing for chicken or turkey. . .unless it goes moldy, I never throw out stale bread.
(When the kids were little all stale bread went for feeding ducks. . .)
Thanks for these. All good ideas. :)
Hello, Rebecca! I enjoy your blog.
Stale bread? French toast! An egg, some milk, vanilla, and a little sugar; dunk the bread, fry it up, put some butter and syrup on it. Cheap and a favorite breakfast-for-supper here.
PS Happy O' Canada Day!
Thanks for the suggestion, Emmie, and welcome to the blog!