Saturday's Old Photo

This photo was taken in the Chicago area, at the zoo, I think, because that’s the only place I can remember riding in a stroller like that. Yes, that’s me in front on the right, and the cute little munchkin on the left is my younger sister.
My mother’s handwriting on the back of this picture identifies the others, from left to right, as Harriet’s friend (she didn’t remember her name), Ron Lewis, my dad, my mom, and Bob Wright. Harriet was my mother’s good friend from Pocatello, Idaho (She must have been the one who took the photo.) and Ron Lewis and Bob Wright were two young men who had come to know Christ in the little church in Bellevue, Idaho while my father was pastoring there. I suppose that Harriet and her friend had driven the two teens back to visit my family while we were living in Wheaton, Illinois.
The reason I wanted to show you this photo is that I mentioned in an old post that three teenaged boys had given my sister and me a set of Lincoln Logs, a set of Tinkertoys, and two home made doll cradles for Christmas. Ron Lewis and Bob Wright are two of those boys. Ron Lewis eventually became a missionary in Papua New Guinea and Bob Wright became a doctor a missionary in Venezuela.
I was six years old in this photo. Do you see that I’m wearing my Buster Brown oxfords? I’d wanted a pair of patent leather Mary Jane style shoes, but my feet were so narrow that only oxfords would fit me. My sister is wearing oxfords, too. Poor girl. She probably could have worn pretty patent leather Mary Janes but was stuck wearing oxfords because I was.
My hair hasn’t changed much over the years. Yes, it’s a darker blonde and I do have gray, but otherwise, except for the bangs, that’s more or less how it looks now.
Reader Comments (2)
Bob Wright was a missionary to Venezuela with Wycliffe. Dr. Carol and Peggy Martin were the medical family. He goes by Kent now. He is the head of infectious disease in North Dakota. He stopped by here a couple of years ago when his daughter was skating in Duluth. I still have my cradle. Janna
Okay, thanks. I've changed that. :)
I don't think I ever played with my cradle, which is too bad, because they obviously spent a lot of time on them.