Under the Tarp

Oops! I promised that yesterday I would tell you what that was tied to the top of the old Jimmy in the last old photo and then forgot about it. Sorry about that.
What is it? Well, a couple of the guesses were not far off. It’s a go-cart with a fiberglass Ford pick-up shell.
My husband bought it at a huge moving sale and brought it back to Whitehorse to use in his small engines class. Here’s how it worked: When a student’s small engine was put together and starting on the first try, they got to use it to run the go-cart around the school parking lot.
It was used that way for several years until a new principal got nervous about liability issues. The go-cart was rigged to only go 5 miles an hour, so it really wasn’t dangerous, but you know how school officials can be.
Reader Comments (1)
Cool. I had no idea what could be under that tarp!