Round the Sphere Again

Christ’s Work
From Mark 15, six signs that Jesus was under judgment. (Against Heresies)
Church History
The Last Classical Man at The Upward Call.
of resources from John Owen, Thomas Watson and Thomas Brooks. (Tim Irvin)
with your neighbors: 5 suggestions at Reformissionary.
for kids: The Praise Factory from 9Marks.
Systematic theology is organizing principle of each curriculum in the Praise Factory family of curriculum. (Teach, Take & Tell, Big Questions and Answers for little people and The Praise Factory).
A systematic theology is an ordered study of who God is, who He has made us to be, His plans for us and this world, His work of salvation for His people, and the things of the world to come. It gives children an opportunity to consider the magnificent way that God has ordered all things to His glory; and, equips them with a strong foundation of God’s Truth to grow and live for Him in this world, with an eye of hope and joy towards the next.
Sounds good to me. And the price is right.
Chosen Hymns
From Sherry’s list of Top 100 Hymns: Immortal, Invisible, God Only Wise (45)
Check Out
the newly re-designed
Crazy Horse
And other landmarks: Where are they, anyway? Take the quiz. (mental_floss Blog)
I scored 12/13, which was way better than I expected. Ironically, the only one I missed is located in my childhood home state, Minnesota.
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