Sunday's Hymn

Olney Church
The Spirit Breathes Upon the Word
The Spirit breathes upon the word,
And brings the truth to sight;
Precepts and promises afford
A sanctifying light.
A glory gilds the sacred page
Majestic like the sun
It gives a light to every age,
It gives, but borrows none.
The hand that gave it, still supplies
The gracious light and heat;
His truths upon the nations rise,
They rise, but never set.
Let everlasting thanks be thine
For such a bright display,
As makes a world of darkness shine
With beams of heav’nly day.
My soul rejoices to pursue
The steps of him I love;
Till glory breaks upon my view
In brighter worlds above.
—William Cowper in Olney Hymns
Other hymns, worship songs, sermons etc. posted today:
- Lord’s Day 32, 2009, at The Thirsty Theologian
- Sweetly the Holy Hymn at The Happy Wonderer
- Jesus, Keep Me Near the Cross at Fieldstone Cottage
- Grace Active from The Valley of Vision at The Upward Call
- O Lord Most High at Hiraeth
- Of the Father’s Heart Begotten at Tapestry of Graces
- Your weekly dose of Spurgeon at Pyromaniacs: Active Obedience and Substitutionary Atonement
Have you posted a hymn (or sermon, sermon notes, prayer, etc.) today and I missed it? Let me know by leaving a link in the comments or by emailing me at the address in the sidebar and I’ll add your post to the list.
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