Round the Sphere Again

Catching Up
on Sherry’s hymn project.
- Rock of Ages (27)
- Guide Me, O Thou Great Jehovah (28)
- Be Still, My Soul (29)
- Arise, My Soul, Arise (30)
- O For a Thousand Tongues to Sing (31)
- How Deep the Father’s Love for Us (32)
- Jesus Paid It All (33)
Playing Games
These are, more or less, my Scrabble strategies. Scrabble, you know, is really a numbers game. (mental_floss Blog)
Fun with straw. (Bits & Pieces)
Decorating Style
all your own. A fun (and short) quiz to find your preferred style. My style is Country Classic Eclectic. What’s yours? (Ht: Amy’s Humble Musings)
Changing Colour
Did you know that the fall leaves are brighter colored when there are sunny days and cool nights? This explains, I suppose, why the leaves here are a little duller this year. We’ve had lots of cloudy days. Learn more secrets of the changing leaves. (mental_floss Blog)
Calculating Things
What if you printed the internet? (CreativeCloud)
Reader Comments (3)
I was Country Casual. The little colour palette they showed at the end was very accurate for the colours I like. I guess that flower question had a lot to do with it.
Mine is Elegant Classic.
My colors were exactly the sort I'm drawn to, too.