Round the Sphere Again

A Lost Toddler and Dog Story
with a happy ending. (See update below.)
Last Thursday evening, north of Ross River, Yukon, a two year old wandered off into dense bush while his family was camping. The youngster was gone for 25 hours, with overnight temps dropping near freezing. Searchers feared he would not be able to survive the night, but little Kale was found the next evening by a helicopter with infrared technology.
When the ground searchers spotted him, the missing toddler was with a dog. The speculation is that the little boy wandered from the campsite in pursuit of the dog and survived because the dog cuddled with him to keep him warm.
And now the dog’s owner has given him to little Kale. She says,
We gave Koda to them because he, obviously, helped play a big part in making sure the baby survived.
…I’m sure he’ll be spoiled completely and live a long, happy life.
You can read the whole story here.
Update: Better yet, see the photo of Koda the dog and read more details in this story from Michael who lives down the street.
Update 2: The Whitehorse Star has a photo of the reunion between mother and young son.
Still in the Yukon
Apparently the territoy has Canada’s highest percentage of athiests and agnostics. The whole article from the Yukon News is interesting, if a little strange. (And the one sentence paragraphs don’t further coherency.) Among other things, it includes a little commentary on church as entertainment.
Not Just Here and There
but everywhere. The Trinity, that is. (Against Heresies)
On The Shack
Yes, yet another review. This one makes an important point about using real-life characters in fiction. (Trevin Wax)
Life in Prison
without parole is better than this. Or so they say.
Reader Comments (1)
You'll have to point out to oldest son that some dog stories have happy endings. Neither the boy or the dog died. Maybe that's why it's not a book.