Round the Sphere Again

Good Times
What you’re experiencing right now may feel bad, taste bad, be bad and still be part of the master plan to bring you joy. (R. C. Sproul)
Or maybe it’s not bad, just routine. There’s purpose there, too. (Trevin Wax)
Book Club
Collecting books that make theology interesting and accessible for everyone is my hobby, you know. I may have to get me one of these. (Kevin DeYoung)
Some people—mostly men, I’m thinking—look at this video of Al Mohler’s library and want one just like it. My first thought? I’m glad I’m not the one cleaning it.
Playing Games
Try as you might, you just can’t win this one. (Sacred Sandwich)
Color Scheme
It started with eight crayon colors, doubled every 28 years, and now we have this. (mental_floss Blog)
A Wrap
This is the next to last question in the Westminster Larger Catechism, so next week I’ll be posting the final one. You thought we’d never get there, didn’t you? Shall we have a party?
Reader Comments (3)
Haha, I thought the same thing about Al Mohler's study, too. It was actually more along the lies of "wow, how often do the shelves need to be dusted to keep dust from piling up along the top of the books."
It was nice, but it was kind of dark. I like natural light, so if I had a dream library,it would have lots of windows and light.
I'm with you!! I wouldn't want to clean that study, either!
Well, I have to admit, once I stopped drooling over all the books and space and decor, I did let my mind drift to what my wife (or mom) would think: Who's gonna clean all this? I added some other thoughts over at my blog...