November of Thanksgiving 2

You can get this button from Lisa of Lisa Notes.I’m thankful for the nation I live in. I’m thankful for the country I came from, too. Most of the nations of the world score low on the corruption index (HT:, but these two countries (and more, of course) don’t. There are many legitimate reasons for me to complain about my government, but there is also much for me to be thankful for.
I am thankful, for instance, that I’ve lived my whole life protected from violence. I have safe roads to drive on and a bureaucracy that runs fairly smoothly without me paying someone to grease the wheels. I have a say—a vote—in how things go in my country.
I’m thankful to God, who institutes governments for our good, for these two good (but not perfect) nations.
Others thanking God today:
- Diane is thankful for the examples of godly women.
- Holly is thankful for her daughters.
- Elle is thankful for “the opportunity to work alongside like-minded women in the kingdom of God.”
- Trisha is thankful “that with our sovereign God, darkness is light, and we need not fear.”
- Joan is thankful for memories.
- Becky is thankful for “God’s idea of marriage.”
- Lisa is thankful for a prayer labyrinth.
- Kim (The Upward Call) is thankful for home.
- Persis is thankful for the privilege of voting.
- Rosemary is thankful for her car.
- Kim (Hiraeth) is thankful for a new friend.
- Victoria is thankful that God is in control.
- Pam is thankful for her youngest son.
- Leslie is thankful for a life not wasted.
- Elisabeth is thankful to live in “a country where my voice can be heard through peaceful voting.”
- Kevin is thankful that he is able to take the day off—and for books, too.
- Aadel is thankful for the ability to homeschool.
Update 7:00pm PDT:
- Beth is thankful for the ability to vote.
- Dorothy is thankful that “The king’s heart (and the senator’s and the judge’s and the governor’s and the sheriff’s) is in the hand of the Lord.”
- Amy in Peru is thankful for rain.
- Laura is thankful for the prayers of a colleague and more.
- Sandra is thankful for a full clothesline.
- Melissa is thankful that October is over.
That’s it for now. I’ll be back this evening to add any more thanksgiving posts I find. As more people participate, it gets more likely that I’ll make mistakes in my posting, so if I miss your post or mess up a link, please tell me. And remember, if you miss a day or two, you’ll need to give me a heads up on your next thanksgiving post.
Do you want to participate, too? You’ll find instructions here for the ways both bloggers and nonbloggers can join in the thanksgiving.
Reader Comments (6)
Rebecca, I too am thankful for our governments and the freedoms we enjoy. We are so blessed.
I'm joining a day late, but I plan to participate each day.
Here's today's link.
Correct link
Those of us living in North America, whether in Canada or the U.S., have so much to be thankful for! So much!
Yes, we are so blessed! And I hope everyone in the U.S. voted today!
I'm already truly appreciating this thankful opportunity...
I too became suddenly aware of how blessed I was to grow up in the US, upon leaving the relative safety of the place when we came to Peru years ago. seriously, we have been BLESSED!
amy in peru