November of Thanksgiving 4

Last night I went to sleep with my window open, listening to one of the most pleasant sounds for sleeping—the sound of steady rain. That might not seem like a big thing to you, but rain in November is almost unheard of here. And the next time I go to sleep to the sound of rain will probably be in April or May next year. It would be wrong not to note it and thank God for it, don’t you think?
Others thanking God today:
- Diane is thankful for her husband’s profundity.
- Holly is thankful for grace.
- Elle is thankful for friends.
- Trisha is thankful that she can leave a legacy in the margins.
- Joan is thankful for healing from cancer.
- Becky is thankful for Jesus Christ.
- Lisa is thankful for God’s grace.
- Kim (The Upward Call) is thankful that “I can depend on the Lord as my portion and cup.”
- Persis is thankful for “opened eyes to behold the Creator as well as His creation.”
- Rosemary is thankful that “Christ has revealed himself to me, and that his love has neither brim nor bottom!”
- Victoria is thankful that God forgives.
- Kevin is thankful for his church AND books—again.
- Melissa is thankful for true friends.
- Leslie is thankful for the gift of music.
- Sandra is thankful for daily duties.
- Sallie is thankful that she found this thanksgiving activity and that she can participate.
- Jennifer is thankful for her family.
Update 10pm PDT:
- Dorothy is thankful for leftovers.
- Kim (Hiraeth) is thankful for her Bible study with friends.
- Connie is thankful for her mother.
- Amy in Peru is thankful for music.
You can get this button from Lisa of Lisa Notes.
What are you thankful for today?
I’ll be back this evening (late) to add any more thanksgiving posts I find (or that you point me to). As more people participate, it gets more likely that I’ll make mistakes in my posting, so if I miss your post or mess up a link, please tell me. And remember, if you miss a day or two, you’ll need to give me a heads up on your next thanksgiving post.
Do you want to participate, too? You’ll find instructions here for the ways both bloggers and nonbloggers can join in the thanksgiving.
Reader Comments (5)
I love the sound of rain at night too - a rarity in the desert. The sound of crickets on a summer evening also lulls me to sleep. God's music is sweet indeed!
One of the most soothing sounds in the world, I think.
I love a good rain or gentle (not crashing!) thunderstorm while sleeping. I used to long for a tin roof so I could really hear the rain, but I think I'm too old for that now. :)
It has been raining a little bit here too...we just love it!
Thank you, for hosting this.
We have an aluminum roof here at the cottage and I love the sound of the rain on it. I'm thankful that I can still hear it too!