November of Thanksgiving 6

You can get this button from Lisa of Lisa Notes.I’m thankful for the resurrection of Jesus. For one thing, it is because of my identification, through faith, with Christ’s resurrection, that I am new creation—old things have passed away and new things have come. It is because of Christ’s resurrection that I have new life.
What’s more, my union with the resurrected Christ means that I will be raised with an incorruptible body to live forever with him. There was a time in my life when I didn’t focus much on this promised blessing from God, but now, with a little more life (and death) experience, I understand better how important those incorruptible bodies are. I’m thankful that the resurrection of Jesus gives us hope for bodies that are more real, more substantial (and permanently, eternally so) than our corruptible bodies that don’t work as they should, that die a little each day, and that desire things that destroy us. Yep, I’m really thankful for the resurrection body I’ll have one day—a resurrection body that will come to me because of Christ’s resurrection.
Others thanking God today:
- Diane is thankful for Mapquest and cell phones.
- Elle is thankful for a whole list of things, starting with a quiet house.
- Trisha is thankful that God has not given us cookie cutter children.
- Joan is thankful for blogging.
- Becky is thankful for her friend Eileen.
- Lisa is thankful for the words of Jesus.
- Kim (The Upward Call) is thankful for the ease of communicating with her kids.
- Persis is thankful for an uneventful Saturday.
- Rosemary is thankful for her husband and more.
- Victoria is thankful for the love of God.
- Kim (Hiraeth) is thankful for Saturday morning and coffee with her husband.
- Connie is thankful for her warm and comfortable home.
- Laura has a whole list of things she’s thankful for.
- Pam is thankful for her warm, cozy home, and more.
Update 8pm PDT:
- Sallie is thankful for free fun things to do as a family.
- Dorothy is thankful for time with family.
- Lindsay is thankful for food.
- Aadel is thankful for her teachers.
What are you thankful for today?
I’ll be back this evening to add any more thanksgiving posts I find (or that you point me to). As more people participate, it gets more likely that I’ll make mistakes in my posting, so if I miss your post or mess up a link, please tell me. And remember, if you miss a day or two, you’ll need to give me a heads up on your next thanksgiving post.
Do you want to participate, too? You’ll find instructions here for the ways both bloggers and nonbloggers can join in the thanksgiving.
Reader Comments (5)
Oh Rebecca - all I can say to your post today is AMEN! AMEN! and AMEN!
Yours is the ultimate reason for thanksgiving, Rebecca!
It's definitely true that more experience with both life and death makes a significant difference in how much we think about and love the resurrection of Jesus and what He made possible for us.
A grateful heart for Job's story; it reminds us in dark times there is God's light.
Without trying to sound sarcastic Rebecca, you certainly don't want to get me started here thanking God cause "IT" is a story that will never end, "IT" goes on and on my Friend but I will say that I do thank our Heavenly Father for The Ressurection of Our Lord and Savior Jesus The Christ cause without HIM where would we be right now? Go Figure! :)
God Bless Peace