November of Thanksgiving 8

You can get this button from Lisa of Lisa Notes.I’m thankful for work. I have work I need to do today—and probably tomorrow, too—and I’m not enthusiatic about it. In fact, I get tense just thinking about it. Last week I filled holes, sanded the filler, and painted the top part of the dining room walls. (I have a chair rail dividing top from bottom.) The painting was fun because I was excited to see the finished results. (Which reminds me: I’m also thankful for CIL paint colours Misty Glen and Chalk.) Now, today, I need to put things back on the newly painted walls, which is turning out to be a big job because I’m changing things up as I go. Then I need to restore order to the rest of the house. I let it get embarassingly disordered and dirty around here while I focused my attention on the paint job. This is the part of the whole job that I’m not finding fun.
But work‚ even work we don’t like, is a good thing. It gives purpose to our lives—purpose to my life—and I’m thankful for it. And when it’s all done, I’ll be thankful for that, too.
Others thanking God today:
- Diane is thankful for fine new hymn writers.
- Trisha is thankful for life in pictures.
- Joan is thankful for God’s peace.
- Becky is has a whole list of things she’s thankful for.
- Lisa is thankful for that God’s presence is everywhere.
- Kim (The Upward Call) is thankful for Dr. Martyn Lloyd Jones.
- Persis is thankful for a reminder in yesterday’s sermon.
- Victoria is thankful for our great High Priest.
- Kevin is thankful for music and singing.
- Melissa is thankful for her daughter.
- Jennifer is thankful for her church and for being able to be part of the Ladies Ministry Team.
- Connie is thankful for friends.
- Jen is thankful for sleep.
- Laura is thankful for memories of a simpler time.
- Hollie is thankful for memories in photographs.
- Dorothy is thankful for God’s word.
- Pam is thankful she was able to attend an Elizabeth George Seminar.
- Lindsay is thankful for wonderful time with her sister and more.
Update 8pm PST:
- Rosemary posts a poem of thanksgiving.
- Sallie is thankful that God knows her frame.
- Kim (Hiraeth) is thankful for cell phone photos and the son who sends them.
- Aadel is thankful for farmers.
What are you thankful for today?
I’ll be back this evening to add any more thanksgiving posts I find (or that you point me to). As more people participate, it gets more likely that I’ll make mistakes in my posting, so if I miss your post or mess up a link, please tell me. And remember, if you miss a day or two, you’ll need to give me a heads up on your next thanksgiving post.
Do you want to participate, too? You’ll find instructions here for the ways both bloggers and nonbloggers can join in the thanksgiving.
Reader Comments (2)
Hey! I just put up my post for today, so if you want to switch it from my 'blessed encounter', that would be awesome!
Thanks Lindsay. I've updated your link.