Round the Sphere Again

A definition edition
It’s not a thing. (Reformation Theology)
It’s okay to speak of “means of grace” says Sinclair Ferguson, as long as we remember that grace isn’t a thing or substance.
[T]here is no “thing” that Jesus takes from Himself and then, as it were, hands over to me. There is only Jesus Himself.
You’ll want to read the whole quote.
What is it? How do translations do with them? What do they teach us about inspiration? (Mondays with Mounce at Koinonia)
Dead in Sin
John Hendryx thinks that we all more or less agree on what “dead in sin” means.
[T]raditional Arminianism teaches that unless the Holy Spirit grants “prevenient grace” then there is not even the possibility of any response. … The very necessity of prevenient grace to the Arminian excludes the possibility of a response by those dead in sin, and demonstrates beyond any further question, that they fully embrace the term “spiritually dead” in the exact same way as the traditional Calvinist. This is not where these to camps differ.
Where we really differ, he says, is on the nature of the grace that saves. (
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