Round the Sphere

From some ladies you should be reading.
Members of An Exotic Species
right in your own home, and you might want to consider sharing them with others.
Right in the middle of the foyer area, the kids spotted a fish tank with exotic-looking luminous yellow tropical fish and ran to look. Their eyes were wide with excitement as they gazed at the tank describing what they could see in excited voices.
Then behind me, I heard another excited voice. One of the elderly ladies this time.
(168 hours)
Of the Promised Land
Leslie has a question. Can you help her out?
Well, that initial question has budded since Friday; I now have a hydra of questions creating more questions. I’ve learned that there is controversy surrounding this issue, so it’s possible that I won’t reach a definitive answer.
Not Really the Gospel, Is It?
Examining the speaker’s message.
She is a published author and skilled communicator. She has endured with resilience and grace what many would describe as an unfair twist of fate. Her testimony in the Lord’s faithfulness to deliver her not from but through her tragedy is both inspiring and challenging.
However, I listened to her speak with a mixture of unease and dread gnawing at my stomach.
(Lisa Writes)
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