Quiz: Doctrine of Man

Here’s a short theology quiz on the doctrine of man. (I suppose to be politically correct, I should call it the doctrine of human beings or humankind or something, but that just sounds silly.) All the answers can be found in Theological Term of the Week posts under the Anthropology category, either in the posts themselves or in articles linked in the posts. This can be an open book test, if you want; but if it were me, I’d rather test myself to see how I do without help.
As in all the other theology quizzes, the right answers will reflect the historic Protestant (aka reformedish) faith. Look for answers on Friday.
Choose the best answer.
1. How are human beings distinguished from God’s other creatures?
- a. God providentially cares for them.
- b. God created them to represent him in a way the other creatures do not.
- c. God gave them dominion over his other creatures.
- d. all of the above.
- e. b and c above.
2. When God created him and placed him in the Garden of Eden, Adam
- a. was good and just.
- b. represented the whole human race.
- c. was able to obey God’s command.
- d. all of the above.
- e. a and c above.
3. Because Adam disobeyed God’s command in the Garden of Eden,
- a. I was born corrupt.
- b. I was born guilty.
- c. I will die.
- d. all of the above.
- e. a and c above.
4. Despite the corruption I inherited,
- a. I am not as depraved as I could possibly be.
- b. I can always trust my conscience.
- c. I was born with the ability to love God more than I love myself.
- d. none of the above.
- e. a and b above.
5. Which is not the result of the fall of man?
- a. Human beings are made in the image of God.
- b. Human beings need a Saviour.
- c. Human beings have no natural desire for God.
- d. all of the above.
- e. b and c above.
Like quizzes? Here are more:
- Justification (Answers 1, 2, 3 and 4.)
- The Trinity (Answers)
- Scripture (Answers)
- Jesus in His Humanity (Answers)

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travibon e3d3fd1842 http://zerobyts.com/riahetamas