Answers to Quiz on Doctrine of Man

Oops, I forgot I said I’d post the answers to Wednesday’s quiz today. But the day’s not over, so I still have time to keep my promise. Here’s how it works: I’ve copied the question and bolded the correct answer. Then I’ve linked to the Theological Term where you’ll find the explanations for the answer.
1. How are human beings distinguished from God’s other creatures?
- a. God providentially cares for them.
- b. God created them to represent him in a way the other creatures do not.
- c. God gave them dominion over his other creatures.
- d. all of the above.
- e. b and c above.
God providentially cares for all his creatures, but human beings are distinguished from other creatures because they are made in God’s image.
2. When God created him and placed him in the Garden of Eden, Adam
- a. was good and just.
- b. represented the whole human race.
- c. was able to obey God’s command.
- d. all of the above.
- e. a and c above.
Adam was created good and just, and able to obey God’s command, but instead he chose to disobey. Because he represented the whole human race when he disobeyed, his rebellious act resulted in God’s curse upon Adam and all his offspring.
3. Because Adam disobeyed God’s command in the Garden of Eden
- a. I was born corrupt.
- b. I was born guilty.
- c. I will die.
- d. all of the above.
- e. a and c above.
Because Adam represented all of us when he disobeyed, we are born with Adam’s guilt already counted as ours, and with inherited corruption, too. As a result, we are all subject to death.
4. Despite the corruption I inherited
- a. I am not as depraved as I could possibly be.
- b. I can always trust my conscience.
- c. I was born with the ability to love God more than I love myself.
- d. none of the above.
- e. a and b above.
Our inherited corruption is in the form of total depravity, which means every part of us is not what it should be, including our conscience. As a result, we are naturally unable to love God as we ought. But that doesn’t mean that we are born as bad as we could be.
5. Which is not the result of the fall of man?
- a. Human beings are made in the image of God.
- b. Human beings need a Saviour.
- c. Human beings have no natural desire for God.
- d. all of the above.
- e. b and c above.
Adam and Eve were created in God’s image, so that’s not a result of the fall. However, because of the curse of God that resulted from the fall, we are all born as sinners opposed to God and we all need a Saviour.
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