Thankful Thursday

A few minutes ago, as I sat here beside the window, a fox loped across the front yard just a few feet from me. I’m thankful that I live where I often see wildlife as I go about my business. I’m thankful for my place, and for foxes, too.
I’m thankful for my youngest son, who tilled the garden for me. I’m thankful that both sons have enough—and maybe too much—work.
I’m thankful for youngest daughter who takes the pup for a run on the days youngest son has to work. The more exercise that dog gets, the better.
I’m thankful for rain yesterday and sunshine today. Perfect weather to green up the lawn.
I’m thankful for people who oversee things: countries, territories, cities, churches, households. God raises them up and puts them in place, and even though none of them do their God-appointed jobs close to perfectly, we’d all be worse off without them.
I’m thankful that “God, who said, ‘Let light shine out of darkness,’ has shone in [my heart] to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ.” I’m thankful that the same power that brought the whole of creation out of nothing by command is the power that shone in my heart bringing new creation there. (Yes, I took that from my about page, but that’s one of the biggies to be thankful for, so I feel justified in repeating it.)
On Thursdays throughout this year, I plan to post a few thoughts of thanksgiving along with Kim at the Upward Call and others. Why don’t you participate by posting your thanksgiving each week, too? It’ll be and encouragement to you and to others, I promise.
Reader Comments (5)
I enjoy the wildlife around our home too, excepting the skunks and pesky chipmunks. I'm hoping Libby-Lab doesn't get skunked again this year!
Thanks for such an encouraging post. I've got so much that makes me thankful and it's always good to be reminded of how many blessings God gives us each day.
No skunks here, and I'm happy about that. :)
I used to be thankful for the foxes we see in our neighborhood. Since Charlie contracted sarcoptic mange from them....not so much.
Sorry about that, Dorothy. I'm not sure the foxes here carry that.