Thankful Thursday

Over the summer, my thankful posts might get a little repetitive. I might do a lot of thanking for sunshine, warm temperatures and other summer goodness. When you live in the Yukon, those things are a big deal, so I probably rejoice in the blessings of summer more than I would if I lived some place where there is less winter.
- I’m thankful that God chose to send sunshine and prefect temperatures today.
- The lawn is greening up nicely, too, and I’m thankful for that.
- I’m thankful that God made blooming trees in general, and especially that he gave me a big May Day tree about to bloom in the middle of my front yard.
- I’m thankful for a big garden spot that was already there when we bought the house. I’m thankful that I have the privilege to begin planting today.
- I’m thankful for my rhubarb patch, which will be ready to pick in about a week.
- While I’m at it, can I say that I’m thankful that the muddy season is over?
On Thursdays throughout this year, I plan to post a few thoughts of thanksgiving along with Kim at the Upward Call and others. Why don’t you participate by posting your thanksgiving each week, too? It’ll be and encouragement to you and to others, I promise.
Reader Comments (5)
I'm really acquainted with muddy season, and I'm always thankful when we're through it. Gardening sounds fun; hope you post pictures!
I would love to have a garden, but there just isn't enough sun. Maybe when the big maple tree is dead, we'll have room.
I am thankful for many things, but struggling with the weather today here in S. Alberta. There is currently about 2 inches of snow on the ground. I planted my tender annuals yesterday! I ran outside and frantically covered what I could with pots, bins and even a baby bathtub! It is white and beautiful and reminding me of God's grace in forgiveness. I am thankful for my eldest who is 8 today - not sure how to manage the planned soccer game party! Everything seems bittersweet today. Which is so appropriate for this Christian walk as our hope is the "now and not yet". In two ways I am anxiously anticipating a brighter tomorrow. I should have thought twice choosing the name of my blog when I live in the foothills!
I do enjoy your thankful Thursday posts!
I'm thankful I live in Florida, but...the summer's further north would be nice too.
. There is currently about 2 inches of snow on the ground.
Oh my! I do hope it's all better tomorrow.:)